Thursday, September 27, 2007

Earth's Natural Satellite

Here is one of the best pictues I've taken of the moon, it's just really clear. Once winter comes I should be able to get some really amazing pictures. Hopefully even some of the planets. I've taken a few pictues of Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus. However till I clean up the images, I'd prefer not to share them with all of you.
This one is a little blurry, but I just liked the dark/light contrast.

This is just a more close picture of the lower right part of the moon, it looks amazing.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Telescopes Are An Astronomers Best Friend!!!

Well finally I'm following the trend of the rest of world, and posting a blog. Since I'm into Astronomy I figured I would start there, and see where the blog takes me. So here's a few pictures of me and my Astronomy life.

Here's me with my Meade ETX 105 (Left) and my 10-inch Celestron Dob (Right)
Here's the Cresent Moon taken with my digital camera through the eyepiece

Here's another picture of the Moon, a little close and personal that turned out pretty good.